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There are several options which must be configured for your needs

  1. Parameters for server

    DATABASE_URLThis specifies database url. Note: server uses sea-orm and uses some features which are available wit Postgres only
    PORTThis sets the port for server to listen on
    MAX_USERSThis is the amount of users which can be registered on the server
    MAX_SITES_PER_USERThis sets the amount of subdomains which can be used by one user
    MAX_BODY_LIMIT_SIZEThis sets the amount of bytes the requests can be
    JWT_SECRETThis will be used for jwt auth
    JWT_TTL_SECONDSThis sets how long jwt token will live
    UPLOAD_FOLDERThis sets the folder where all uploads will be placed
  2. Parameters for Nginx

    All this parameters are used by nginx for templates located in nginx-templates folder

    DOLLARThis variable is needed for nginx-templates and should not be overwritten
    SERVER_PORTThis sets the port which your server listens
    SERVERThis sets the server name or ip or domain where your server listens
    DOMAINThis sets the domain you own
    ZONETHis sets the zone for yor domain

That was a brief description. Now lets dive a bit deeper


All this configuration parameters are used in docker-compose.yml and are passed as environment variables. The server also uses environment variables so there is currently no other way to set them.


    The database url set in docker-compose.yml points to a docker container with postgres. Postgres does not use port mapping so you are protected. When running sero as a docker container or manually you need to have a running postgres somewhere and set this parameter. All migration are ran automatically so you should not be worried about it

  2. PORT

    Server container also does not use port mapping when using docker-compose.yml. It is important to set it same for server and nginx (proxy).


    This sets the amount of users which can be registered. You can leave this variable empty and this will disable RegistrationGuard. In this case there can be unlimited umount of users registered.

    • Maximum value - u64::MAX

    This sets the amount of owned subdomains which one user can have at a time. This can also be not set resulting in unlimited (limited only be the available memory) amount of sites.

  5. MAX_BODY_LIMIT_SIZE This sets the maximum body limit in bytes. This does not mean that uploaded archive cam be this size as the request contains additional data.


    Leaving this value empty will disable DefaultBodyLimit. According to docs this means:

    For security reasons, Bytes will, by default, not accept bodies larger than 2MB. This also applies to extractors that uses Bytes internally such as String, Json, and Form.


    This will be used for signing jwt. Changing this parameter and restarting server will result in invalidation of all tokens.


    For security reasons:


    Generate it. One of good solutions:

    openssl rand -base64 60

    This sets the amount of seconds the token will be valid. After expiration users will log out

    • Maximum value - i64::MAX

    For security reasons do not set big amount as the token can be stolen. Usually server actions takes several seconds.


    This sets the folder where sites will be stored.


    When using in docker-compose.yml be careful with volumes if you do not want to loose data on restart.

    - server-files:/app/sites-uploads

Here about nginx envs

    This one is a bit confusing but you do not need to be worried. As nginx-templates are used and regex expr is used inside for capturing subdomain we can have an issue. The envs are inserted with:

        server_name ~^(?<subdomain>\w*)\.${DOMAIN}.${ZONE}${DOLLAR};

    The DOLLAR is used to match the end of the string. If we leave dollar sign alone this will result in error due to empty env variable.


    This will be used in server block. You do not need to change this if you use docker-compose.yml. This is used in nginx template and should match PORT


    This will be used in server block. You do not need to change this if you use docker-compose.yml. This is used in nginx template.

  4. DOMAIN Imagine that you bought a domain: In this case you should set this parameter to mydomain

  5. ZONE Imagine that you bought a domain: In this case you should set this parameter to com